Budget Monitoring Summary

Management Reports > Budget Monitoring Reports > Budget Monitoring

The Budget Monitoring Summary report is the key management report.  It shows income and expenditure, and includes open orders as ‘committed’. It always reports data as at the point in time the report is created, i.e. it is as up to date as the data in Sage.

Budget Monitoring Report

The selection criteria form is shown below:

Budget Monitoring Report Criteria

Combine Income & Expenditure

Selecting this option will show a net figure of income less expenditure for each department (i.e. a single row per department).

With this option selected, the ‘Show separately’ option additionally allows income to be shown in one column, expenditure in another and the net (income less expenditure) in a third column.  This is the most commonly used variation of the report.

The alternative format will show two separate sections, one for income, with each department that has received income in the income section, and each department that has spent expenditure in the expenditure section.

Include Capital Expenditure

Tick to include capital expenditure.  See Capital Expenditure for a full explanation.

Show Current Forecast

A possible variation of the report is to show a ‘current forecast’ for the year.  This is maintained using the ESFA Budget Forecast facility.  The method of maintaining a forecast is explained in Current Year Forecasts.

Show Category Totals only

If this option is ticked, individual department figures are suppressed and only department category totals are shown.

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