Outturn by Department

Management Reports > Analysis by Department > Outturn by Department

This report also draws its data from variations to budget entered using the ESFA Budget Forecast forms.  

This report is designed to show clearly which departments' forecasts are varying from budget and the degree to which they are varying.

Outturn by Department Criteria

The selection criteria simply allow the month-end to which the report is produced, whether to include capital expendiyure, together with options to suppress references and the option to show income/expenditure as positive/negative.

Outturn by Department

It is important to understand that the ‘Total to 31st August’ is simply the ‘Forecast’ for the year, and ‘Expected for rest of year’ is just the ‘Total to 31st August’ less the ‘Actual YTD’.  As can be seen the report highlights where there are variations from budget and the percentage difference.