Departmental Analysis

Management Reports > Analysis by Department > Departmental Analysis

The ‘Departmental Analysis’ report also allows retrospective reporting as at a month-end in the past; furthermore, it allows sorting by department or nominal account and has the option of showing summary or detailed data.

Departmental Analysis

The selection criteria form is shown below:

Departmental Analysis Criteria

Include Capital Expenditure

Tick to include capital expenditure.  See Capital Expenditure for a full explanation.

Report (by)

The principal sort for the report can be either ‘By Department’ or ‘By Nominal’.  This permits views of the data that can be reconciled either with department based reports or nominal based reports (from Sage or from Academy Reports)


‘Summary’ reports show one line per department or nominal account (depending on the above selection)

‘Detailed’ reports show analysis by either department or nominal.  If the primary analysis is Department, the report will show all nominal accounts to which postings have been made for that department, or for which budgets exist.  Similarly, if the primary sort is nominal account, the secondary analysis shows departments.

The reports can either show year to date, budget and variance, in portrait mode, or period to date, period budget, period variance plus year to date, year budget and year to date variance in landscape mode.


For a year to date comparison, either the full year budget can be displayed or alternatively the budget up to the period selected.

Because of the many permutations for running this report, it is highly recommended that users are encouraged to experiment with the variations to determine which format best suits their needs.  (There are 128 variations for each month, excluding the export to Excel options!)