Requisitions Setup - Staff Authority Limits

The ribbon item for ‘Staff Authority Limits’ will only be displayed if ‘Use Authoriser by Department’ was previously set.

Settings > Requisition Settings > Staff Authority Limits

Purchase Requisitions - Staff Authority Limits

When the form opens, all Sage departments will be displayed in the left-hand pane.  To set one or more authorisers for a particular department, highlight the department in the left-hand pane and select the authoriser from the drop-down list in the right-hand pane. Enter the authorisation limit for the authoriser.

Note that all the Sage departments are shown, but that some departments might not need to have any authorisers, for example departments used for income or salaries, where requisitions are unlikely to be required.

An alternative method to enter the data is from an Excel spreadsheet. To prepare a spreadsheet for importing the first row of the spreadsheet must have the following column headings, exactly as shown here:

  • DepartmentNo
  • UserID
  • AuthorisationLimit

Note that there are no spaces in the above.

The import requires the User ID, NOT the user name.

It may seem obvious, but the AuthorisationLimit column must be formatted as 'Number', not 'Text'.

To import from the spreadsheet, make sure that it is saved and closed, click the ‘Import from Excel’ button and browse to the Excel file and click ‘Open’.  The data will be imported.


If importing from Excel and no records are imported, check that the user is set to 'Can Authorise' on the Requisitions Setup - Members of Staff form.