Troubleshooting - General

Most problems in the Academy System can be attributed to a couple of general areas and these should be tackled before more in-depth investigations.

Data Check

The first area can be described as 'mapping omissions'. Most of the reports in Academy System take data from Sage and re-format that information into a form suitable for academies.  This is usually accomplished by 'mapping' the Sage data to Academy System data; for example, mapping the Sage nominal ledger accounts to the headings required for the SoFA.

However, problems will occur if, for instance, a new nominal ledger account is introduced in Sage, but is not 'mapped' in the Academy System.

The Data Check facility in Academy System will check for such errors and provide instructions on how to correct each type.

Sage - Recalculate Budgets

Occasionally data can become 'corrupt' in Sage leading to unexpected results in reports produced from the Academy System.  Luckily. most of this can be corrected fairly easily.  The most common 'corruption' is in some background Sage data used by reports such as the Budget Monitoring Report; this will usually manifest itself by obviously wrong figures on this report.

To correct this problem, open Sage and select

Sage > Settings > Company Preferences

Select the Budgeting tab, and click 'Recalculate'

Sage Budget Recalculation